Bible Subjects

What is the New PARADIGM for a Church from the New Testament?

What is the New PARADIGM for a Church from the New Testament?

An Outline of the New Paradigm

We shall now develop a prototype company for our new paradigm of a local SDA church. This prototype company should serve the local community where they are situated using a lifestyle program, health studies and Bible studies.

Our studies in group sociology have revealed that people communicate and work together more efficiently and effectively in small groups than in large groups.  Furthermore, our New Testament studies reveal that the church began with twelve active members, divided into groups of four and two´s. These were supported by their families and friends. Not all members could be a full- or part-time disciple of Christ for various reasons. For example, Nicodemus was a close friend of Jesus and the disciples, but he was not a full-time active disciple. The women at the cross of Jesus like Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and of Joses, and Salome, followed Him and ministered to His needs, but they were not full- or part-time active disciples (Mark 15:40).  However, they were supporters of Christ and His disciples.

In addition, the companies of four were mainly used so as to support each other, while the dyads main objectives were to establish three companies of four constituting a church of 12 active members.[1] For example, the twelve disciples achieved this in one instance by further adding seventy-two disciples to their number around the area of Galilee.  Hence, six dyads developed six churches of twelve active disciples making a total of seventy-two.  There was no church building program, or the raising of Christian synagogues in different towns wherever Christ established His work. Christ gave no command to build church buildings or cathedrals. This was done so He could reach the community with a minimum of opposition as possible.  This was the basic pattern for the establishment of all local church communities. Hence, the churches around Galilee were not large buildings filled with large congregations of members as we would know it today.  But I believe that the church around Galilee consisted of members worshiping in companies of 12, 4, and 2 active members in homes, supported by their families and friends.  Therefore, it was an organized and trained church, living in the community and ministering to the needs of the community.

This paradigm eventually eroded away when Christians began to move towards larger, more regular halls of assembly well before Constantine introduced the Basilica to the church architecture in the third century A.D.[2] Ellen G. White counsels us to return to the original paradigm of small working companies making up a church of believers and serving the community. These companies should do the very work Christ and His disciples did when they were on earth, that is, in visiting the sick, the needy, and the suffering in their community. Therefore, I will attempt to base my model on this example and reorganize a local SDA church from being a large group to a church with small companies. This new paradigm of a local SDA church will consist of twelve active members, divided into companies of four and then into two´s, trained to serve the community.

How to Implement the New Paradigm

This can be achieved through the following:  Informing the church members in weekly meetings from our studies on group sociology, the New Testament, and companies from Ellen G. White writings. Furthermore, when implementing a new paradigm in an old church structure, it can be one of the most challeng­ing and yet difficult experiences one undertakes.  Therefore, one should tread carefully and understand a few points about paradigm transition.

We should choose the most effective structure, and at the same time the least harmful to the church during transition. This can be realized through incorporating a prototype small company into a local SDA church. The church has been known as a large business enterprise dealing with the work of winning people to Christ. In taking this view, the local SDA church should then use business principles in meeting its objectives. These principles should be outlined in a church strategical business plan, similar to those used by other small businesses starting up.

The following business plan has been adapted to suit the needs of this new paradigm for the local SDA church. This plan includes a primary aim, strategic objectives, and a management strategy. It also contains an organizational, people, and marketing strategy. This business plan is similar to those which banks require from all entrepreneurs starting up in business. With the help of this business plan and the prototype model of a company, I hope to implement the new structure into a local SDA church.

Paradigm Transition

In his book The Structure of Scientific Revolution, Thomas Khun introduced the current generation to the word “paradigm.”  “He claimed every significant breakthrough in the field of science is a break with old, traditional ways of thinking.”[3]  He goes on further to explain that “the word paradigm comes from the Greek word ´paradigma:´ a pattern or map for understanding and explaining certain aspects of reality.”[4] Hence, our new paradigm is a local SDA church comprising of a maximum of twelve active members in addition to their supporting spouses, children, and friends. This small church of twelve shall be divided up into three companies of four active members, with each company meeting together on a regular basis.

This small church should meet each Sabbath in homes and not in a large church building, for encouragement through testimonies, song, prayer, Bible study and fellowship meals. The companies are to divide into two´s and visit houses in the community, serving them through teachings about living a healthy lifestyle, helping were necessary and giving Bible studies. Not all the members will accept this new paradigm immediately. For example, Joel Barker, an expert in paradigm change, tells the story of the emergence of the quartz watch. Some researchers in Switzerland invented the quartz watch, but the watch industry rejected the new model, favoring the old traditional watch with gears and springs. The quartz watch was put on display at a watch exhibition and along came two companies, Seiko and Texas Instruments. They saw it, bought the idea, mass-produced it, and employment dropped in the Swiss watch-making industry from 65,000 to 15,000 in the years 1979 to 1982.[5]  “The invention of the quartz watch caused the sudden collapse of a world industry.”[6]  Because of our traditional values, not all can see or understand the value of a new paradigm.  The same goes for the church and its members.  Khun also explains the “transition from paradigm in crisis to a new one. . . .  It is a reconstruction of the field from new fundamentals, a recon­struction that changes some of the field´s most elementary theoretical generalizations as well as many of its paradigm methods.”[7]  Although Khun is referring to the area of science, some of his principles can also be used in the church.  For example, dividing the church up into small companies is a reconstruction of our traditional large-church-group concept, and our methods of outreach to the community will be changed so that every member of the local church will be involved.

How can the local church move from one paradigm to another? It is suggested, as transition takes place, that there has to be a time for the final break with the old and at the same time a smooth change to the new.  How does this take place? The members´ thought patterns of church should first be changed. Beckham asserts, “church is directly related to how we think church.”[8] If we think of church in a traditional way, as a large building with members attending each Sabbath for worship, then they will continue in that way no matter what new model comes along.  Beckham further adds, “we also cannot understand the church unless we see the church within its New Testament paradigm.”[9] There has to be a time for teaching, educating, and dialogue with the church members, before their thought pattern of church can be changed from the traditional model to the New Testament paradigm.  And in some cases, it might never be changed.

Together with this instruction, a prototype has to be incorporated in the local traditional church so that members can see how the new paradigm will work practically.  Over a period of time, the prototype of the small company will make a break from the local church and will be a self-organized, self-governing structure under the local pastor and the conference.  Khun emphasizes that “when the transition is complete, the profession will have changed its view of the field, its methods, and its goals.”[10] In referring to the church, the profession will not look to large church buildings filled with non active large congregations, but to dividing the local traditional church up into small groups of twelve active members, working together in companies, serving the commu­nity they live in. Hence, members will invite friends and neighbors into their own homes to have meetings and services, and not to a church building which is a symbol of the old paradigm. The church will no longer be a static church, but a living movement influencing every home in the community.

 Why a Prototype Company?

Ellen G. White states in her book The Acts of the Apostles, “The organization of the church at Jerusalem was to serve as a model for the organization of churches in every other place where messengers of the truth should win converts to the gospel.”[11] When understand­ing our study on small companies, it can be seen that the church as a whole has drifted a long way from the master model of simplicity in worship and meeting in homes. The early church in Jerusalem was a model of how church should be done and replicated.  This is the prototype for all local SDA churches, not only in Denmark, but around the world.

Industrial manufacturers not only see the importance of prototypes, but they are willing to invest time and resources into developing a good prototype.  For example, “the 1995 Ford Contour and Mercury Mystique cost six billion dollars and several years to get into production.”[12] If manufacturers see the importance of prototypes, how much time and resources should the SDA Church invest towards a working prototype of a local church, with the goal of involving all members?  Michael Gerber terms the prototype in this way: To the franchiser, the prototype becomes the working model of the dream. . . . The franchise prototype is also the place where all assumptions are put to the test to see how well they work before becoming operational in business. . . .  The prototype acts as a buffer between hypothesis and action.[13]

The idea of building a good working prototype of a small company, to be incorporated in a local traditional church, has to be tested before separating from the congregation. It has to work, employing all the ingredients of a vibrant, healthy church company, like the one the twelve disciples had.  Why does the prototype have to be tested?  Beckham claims, the prototype phase is all about quality control. . . .  If it isn´t done right in the beginning, it must be corrected later on. According to their calculations, it is 50 times more difficult to fix a problem after the process has been done wrong, than to do the job right in the first place.[14]

Therefore, before the prototype of the small company can be launched and separated from the local church, all the instructions, policies, and activities have to be accurately in place. All the members involved must be satisfied and willing to give the project a try.

The franchiser can only be successful if his or her prototype has been built from perfect predictable components and has been tested before going into production. An example of this is from the business world, McDonald´s hamburger chain. Ray Kroc bought and developed the idea from two brothers running a hamburger restaurant in Chicago. He developed his prototype, so that when it was replicated in other cities and towns, it was the perfect model for other hamburger chains.  He employed young people working for low wages to cut his costs. They all had the same working clothes and served the same food every day. “Ray Kroc´s McDonald´s has become an $8 billion-a-year business, with more than 8,000 franchise outlets spread throughout the world, serving food to nine million customers each and every day.”[15]  Taking this idea of the prototype, and using it for the church is not a new concept.  In fact, Christ was the first to use it in his ministry here on earth. When Jesus came to begin His church, He first developed a prototype, working model. This was His primary focus during the last three and a half years of His ministry. He carefully put together all the working parts of His church design and then physically returned to heaven before the church became operational.[16]

This is the master model which all SDA churches should copy.  A local church should consist of not more than twelve active full- or part-time working members.  These twelve should be divided into companies of four, and further divided into two´s.  This is the ideal model. However, some members might not be interested in the new project. Mallison states that, in a typical church, 2.6% of the members are innovators, 14.4% are early supporters, 34% are slow joiners, 34% are very slow joiners, and 16% never change.[17] It is the innovators and early supporters who will support the new project. If twelve members from a local church cannot be found, then eight members would do to form two working companies.  If eight volunteers cannot be found, then four would do and if four can not be found then two will do, this is the lowest figure for forming a company. Christ had three companies of four disciples in His first church on earth, and He Himself took part in one of them.  Gerber says, “It is in the Franchise prototype where every successful franchiser builds his future. . . .  It is the model you need to make your business work.”[18] Therefore a maximum of three small companies is needed, or a minimum of two or one company to make the prototype work.

The Services of the Prototype Working Model

This model should offer services to the local community which no other denomination or business has. It should also bring joy to those who are participating in the group, and also achieve results for those who are being nursed or treated. The service could be lifestyle program. The lifestyle program is developed from lifestyle centres around the world, and other health programs which people have gone through and have obtained results.

The lifestyle program is offered to people who have lifestyle diseases due to their living an unhealthy lifestyle and it can be used in a natural way to lose weight. Many thou­sands of people have been healed of lifestyle related diseases such as many forms of cancer. For example, Dr. Max Gerson a pioneer in New York has improved the health condition greatly for many people who suffered from lifestyle diseases and he has X Rays to prove it in his book, A Cancer Therapy – Results of Fifty Cases.  Some of these lifestyle diseases are outlined on page XV: cancer, migraine, ulcers, asthma, glaucoma, edemas, eczema, diabetes, schizophrenia, emphysema, epilepsy, allergies, psoriasis, tuberculosis, arteriosclerosis, heart diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney diseases, lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, high blood pressure.  Dr. Paavo Airola reports that there are “over 4,000 medical doctors in Germany who apply biological therapies in the treatment of most diseases.”[19]  When he uses the word biological, he means natural methods which nature provides, and this includes a change of diet and a change in lifestyle habits.

As a result of all this research we, that is my wife and I, had the chance to try out this lifestyle juicing program on a colleague who was sent home from the hospital to die because she had cancer all over her body and her case was hopeless. See (Appendix F) for her story to recovery. Why a mobile lifestyle program? Because many of the lifestyle centres who offer good services are very expensive and they are situated a long way away from the patient’s home. Furthermore, when the patient comes home after being treated at the centre, they return to their former habits due to family pressure who do not understand the subject of living a healthy lifestyle. Even more, the patient has time to go through a Bible course and learn about God as their personal saviour when being treated at home. The advantage of a mobile lifestyle program is that the treatments take place in the patient’s home or in a church building turned into a lifestyle centre in the local community. In addition, all the services are free. The patient just has to pay for the food eaten and water used. Plus, they are being treated personally and they receive encouragement during the whole program.

Furthermore, they receive education about how to live a healthy lifestyle through the books New Start by Vernon Foster, and Dynamic Living course with the workbook of approximately 50 lessons written by Aileen Ludington and Hans Diehl. Even more they can go through a 12-step program helping them to overcome their bad habits. See (Appendix D). This 12-step program is adapted from the 12-step recovery program which Alcoholics Anonymous use worldwide. In addition, they develop a personal relationship with God through a Bible course of 30 lessons or more. Finally, the patient can be trained to serve and help other patients in the program if they wish to do so.

Any two members who can give 14 days of their time in administering this program will never look back. They will be entering into a very personal relationship with the Lord and with the patient they are nursing back to health. First, the two members or the church should purchase a juicer machine, a food processor for squeezing juice from oranges, an enema pack, two thermometers, two woollen blankets and two linen sheets. Food and water are bought later on when a patient is found. In addition, a bathtub should be available. Then the two go from door to door with a questionnaire on health and lifestyle related diseases. The questionnaire is written in the Appendix G. An alternative to this is if they know of anyone in the community who has a lifestyle related disease, then they just ask them if they are interested in going through the program. The results of the questionnaire can be printed in the local news paper when everyone in the town has been visited. Once a patient is found, then explain to them what the program entails. This sheet is also written out in the appendix H.  If they agree to the contract requirements, then you can begin with the lifestyle health program either in their home or in a house which is turned into a mini lifestyle centre in the local community. Purchase food, water and other items to be used for the next few days. Then follow the Balance Lifestyle Program which has been written out in appendix A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. After the summary.


From our social studies on small groups and comparisons with the New Testament and E. G. White writings, we have developed a new paradigm of a local SDA church. The new paradigm is a local SDA church consisting of small companies, meeting and worshiping together in members houses situated in the community. From these small companies, working companies are formed to reach out into the community using a lifestyle program, health studies and Bible studies.

This paradigm transition is brought about by the use of a prototype model co-existing with the traditional model of a large church congregation.


Appendix A.

14 Days Detoxification Juice Plan

This is a juice plan based on the following books: “A Cancer Therapy – Results of Fifty Cases” by Max Gerson, M.D., “Getting Started on Getting Well” by Lorraine Day, and “Cancer Battle Plan” written by Anne E. Frahm.

In 1992 Anne Frahm who had cancer throughout her body, was sent home to die after the treatments of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation did not help. She did not give up. She went down to the local library and looked for books on people who had survived cancer. The books that interested her most were on the topic changing the diet. She did not know very much on dieting, so she went to a nutritionist to ask for help. The nutritionist changed Anne Frahm´s diet and she healed herself completely of cancer within 5 weeks.

Dr. Lorraine Day is an international acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon, who has worked on the faculty for 15 years at the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as associate professor and vice chairman of the department of orthopedic surgery. Dr. Day had breast cancer which spread all over her body. She rejected the traditional methods of cancer treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy and cured herself after 8 months on a juice and vegan diet treatment. Dr. Day’s incredible story can be read on the internet website www.drday.com. Beware of her theology, it is dangerous.

The following juice program is taken from a combination of Gerson’s, Frahm’s and Day’s juice program and we have made further recommendations to improve the plan. However, if one cannot digest the juices then it is recommended to take Dr Lorraine Day´s program and that is you eat three meals a day plus you drink the juices and there are no enemas. An alternative is to dilute 50% of the juice with 50% of distilled water. There is the short treatment and there is the long treatment. Most juice treatments work against lifestyle diseases but it is up to you to find out what suits you best. The lifestyle program can be used in relationship with cancer related diseases, lifestyle diseases, smoking and alcohol addiction. It is recommended that the lifestyle program should not be used together with radiation and chemotherapy, because all the good cells which are nourished and used for fighting cancer will be destroyed.

Purchase a masticating juicer machine, for example a champion juicer from the internet.  Purchase a machine for squeezing citrus fruit or a machine that makes orange juice. We use a Cuisine Systéme Automatic 5000 Magimix food processor because of its durability.

 Remember that one glass is equal to 8 fluid ounces or 250 ml. of fluid.

Four glasses of fluid is equal to one liter of fluid.

Start the day off with a positive verse from the Bible and a prayer for help. If you wake up before 7 a.m. start the day with two glasses of lukewarm water.

7:30 a.m.     Upon waking, drink a mixture of two tablespoons of olive oil (virgin) and four fluid ounces (125 ml.) of freshly          pressed grapefruit juice. Then lie on the right side with your right knee to your chest for twenty minutes. (This could give a little nausea.)

8:00 a.m.     One glass of carrot and apple juice. Prepare all juices and pour into vacuum sealed thermos and leave them on the kitchen table or into plastic bottles and place the bottles in the fridge. Brew one liter of peppermint tea to drink throughout the day.

9:00 a.m.     One glass of orange juice mixed with one teaspoon of fiber cleanse. Go for a 30-to-40-minute brisk walk in the            open air if possible. Ventilate the lounge with fresh air for four minutes.

10:00 a.m.     One glass of carrot and apple juice.

Administer water and coffee enemas.

Finish off with having a shower.

11.00 a.m.     One glass of green vegetable and apple juice and a  tablespoon of acidophilus. Go through the 12 steps in controlling bad habits. When you are finished with the 12 steps then go through a Bible course in learning how to know God.

12.00 O clock. Noon. One of glass of orange juice mixed with one teaspoon of fiber cleanse. Read the positive Bible verse from morning worship again. Ventilate the lounge with fresh air for four minutes.

13:00 p.m.    One glass of carrot and apple juice.

14:00 p.m.    One glass of green vegetable and apple juice.

Go for a 30-to-40-minute brisk walk in the pen fresh air if possible.

15:00 p.m.    One glass of orange juice mixed with one teaspoon of fiber cleanse.

Prepare for fever bath therapy. (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) Relax on other days.

16:00 p.m.    One glass of carrot and apple juice.

Fever bath therapy

17:00 p.m.    One glass of green vegetable/apple juice

Fever bath therapy.

18:00 p.m.    One glass of orange mixed with fiber cleanse.

Ventilate the lounge with fresh air for four minutes.

19:00 p.m.    One glass of carrot and apple juice.

‘New Start’ book by Dr. Vernon Foster followed by:

‘Dynamic Living’ health course by Luddington and Diehl.

20:00 p.m.     One glass of green vegetable and apple juice.

21:00 p.m.     One glass of carrot and apple juice.

Close the day with the same positive Bible verse as used in the morning.

Go to sleep before 21.30 p.m. in a well-ventilated bedroom with the window wide open so fresh air can flow in. Wrap yourself with warm extra blankets or feather and down quilts if it is cold outside.

 Never put your finger, a metal or wooden object down the feeding funnel of the juice machine. 

If a carrot gets stuck in the feeding funnel always switch off the electricity first and then take the feeding funnel off. It is recommended that you make your own juice from the following recipes:

(All fruit and vegetables should be organic if possible.)

 One liter of green vegetable juice is made up of:

1 two-inch wedge of red cabbage.

1 large romaine lettuce.

1 green pepper.

500 gram of broccoli or kale.

4 eating apples like Granny Smith’s or two larger like Jonna Gold but not Golden Delicious.

(If these greens are not available, use the next best dark green leafy vegetable available. But do not use spinach and celery in juicing.)

 1½ liter of carrot juice and apple juice is made up of:

2 kg. Organic carrots

4 eating apples or two large eating apples but not Golden Delicious.

One liter of Orange juice is made up of:

10 – 12 medium size oranges.

Add one teaspoon of fiber cleanse (generic psyllium husk powder) to one glass of orange juice, four times a day.

For convenience sake one can pour the juice into vacuum sealed thermos to preserve the enzymes and put them on the table or pour the juice into discarded empty plastic bottles used from the distilled water and put them into the fridge.

All the fruit and vegetables to be used are organic if possible.

If organic fruit can not be found, then wash the fruit in warm water and washing up liquid and rinse in warm water to clean the pesticide chemicals off.

Drink peppermint tea throughout the day to combat nausea or after vomiting.

The only water to be used in drinking is distilled water or purified water which is filtered through a water purifier.

People who have smoked tobacco should make sure the house is cleaned chemically of all tobacco fumes or repainted inside the rooms.

Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

 Brewers yeast. Use the maximum daily dosage in powder form.

B 12. Use the daily recommended dosage in fluid form.

Reaction Symptoms

During the detoxification diet some people have reaction symptoms. For example, nausea, headaches, fever, vomiting bile with an offensive odor, spasms in the intestines, more gas accumulation than usual, no appetite and the inability to drink the juice. The first “flare up” symptoms are the most violent and are usually accompanied by severe headaches, weakness of the entire body, bad moods, and a feeling of depression. One should not be afraid or give up when these occur.

These reaction symptoms should be looked upon as positive and are part of the cleansing process and healing of the body. The reaction process can last from 3 to 14 days and can recur almost every ten to fourteen days and later once a month. At such times when reaction symptoms occur, it is good to drink peppermint tea and take a few more coffee enemas. “A Cancer Therapy” page 201, by Max Gerson, M.D. 1975.

Appendix B


Why use enemas?

“During fasting, a huge amount of morbid matter, dead cells and diseased tissues are burned; and the toxic wastes which have been accumulated in the tissues for years, causing disease and premature aging, are loosed and expelled from the system. These wastes are eliminated from the system by way of kidneys, bowels, skin and lungs. But the alimentary canal, the bowel, is the main road by which these toxins are thrown out of the body. Since, during fasting, the natural bowel movements cease to take place, the toxic wastes would have no way of leaving the system, except with the help of enemas.

If you fast without enemas, these toxins remain in your colon and are re-absorbed into the system, poisoning the whole body. Your body will try to get them out through other ­eliminati­ve organs, particularly through the kidneys, which as a result, will often be overloaded and even damaged.” ‘How to get Well’, page 222, by Dr. Paavo Airola, 1974.

Purchase a plastic enema kit from the chemist. Purchase ground organic coffee. Administer two times eight cup enemas every day. The first is an eight-cup water enema, and this is immediately followed by an eight cup coffee enema. If the patient has cancer in the colon, then it is advisable not to use the coffee enema. One should use half a litre of fresh green leaf juice at body temperature instead.

 One glass of green leaf juice is made up of:

1 two-inch wedge of red cabbage.

1 romaine lettuce.

1 green pepper.

500 gram of broccoli or kale.

4 eating apples (Not Golden Delicious)

(If the greens are not available, use the next best dark green leafy vegetable available. But do not use spinach and celery in juicing.)

 How to do an enema?

  1. Warm eight cups of distilled water to body temperature. (Approx. 37 degrees centigrade or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit).
  2. Brew three cups of coffee (do not use instant or decaffeinated coffee). Add five cups of cool distilled water to bring down to body temperature. Approx. 37 degrees centigrade or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit).
  3. Find a place where you can lie down in a bathroom with a toilet. The ideal is to lie down on a plastic mattress on the floor or on a blanket covered with plastic. Then suspend the water bottle about 30 cm or more above you. For example, you could tie a string to a tower rail or hook, and then hang the bottle hook on the string.
  4. Fill the bottle with water warmed up to body temperature.
  5. Allow a trickle of water to run out of the water pipe to let the air escape, so that the hose pipe becomes full of water and then tighten the nozzle.
  6. Apply olive oil or a Vaseline to the tip of the hose.
  7. Lie down on your left side on a plastic mattress, with your hips elevated on a pillow. Use a pillow covered with a plastic bag.
  8. Insert the tip of the nozzle carefully into the rectum.
  9. Turn the nozzle on to allow water flow freely into the rectum. Adjust the flow to your comfort.
  10. Take in as much water comfortably, while massaging your abdomen from left to right to move fluid throughout the colon.
  11. After the bottle is empty close the nozzle and remove it from the rectum.
  12. Lie on your back, then on your right side for two to three minutes, continuing to massage your abdomen. Then sit on the toilet and expel from the rectum massaging from right to left. (When doing the coffee enema afterwards, try and hold the coffee in the rectum for 15 to 20 minutes. This takes practice)
  13. Clean up the toilet and floor with disinfectant.
  14. Wash the nozzle with liquid bleach and hot water.

Because enemas wash out good bacteria in the colon it is important to consume a daily dose of live bacteria culture known as “acidophilus” in order to help restore your own natural intestinal flora.

Appendix C

Artificial fever bath

What is an artificial fever bath?

It is a bath taken in very hot water to produce an artificial fever. When this happens Krusen recorded blood counts showing a rise in white blood cells circulating in the blood from 7,125 to 11,270. Hargreeves and Doan found that the blood counts of the white blood cells reached a peak of 40,000 several hours after completion of the fever therapy.

What is the main function of white blood cells? They protect the body against invading micro-organisms and remove dead cells and debris from the body. When these white cells multiply from their original amount in the blood, then their work of attacking micro-organisms such as toxic or cancer cells is multiplied. ‘Manual of Hydrotherapy and Massage.’ page 20, by Fred B. Moor, Stella C. Petersen, Ethel M. Manwell Gertrude Muench. (Pacific Press Pub., Assoc., Idaho: 1964).

Patients who have skin diseases, cardiac heart problems, kidney diseases, anaemia’s, hypertension and diabetes should not take the artificial fever bath therapy.

Purchase two thermometers from the chemist. Use one for the mouth and the other for the bath water.

Make sure a person is with you all the time to assist while undergoing the bath.

Drink two glasses of warm water before entering the bathtub and freely drink as much warm water as you feel whilst in the bath tub. The whole time for the immersion in the bath should not be more than 60 minutes. That is from the time of entering the water and leaving the water.

  1. Fill the bathtub to halfway with as much hot water you can tolerate, for example 37 degrees Celsius (98 degrees Fahrenheit.)

 Lie in the bathtub with your body fully submersed under water and your head above water resting on a towel. The knees protruding out of the water should be covered with a towel and kept wet by pouring hot water on it from a cup. Then set the clock timer for 60 minutes.

  1. Check the pulse. If the pulse reaches 140 and you experience extreme discomfort, then add cold water to bring the pulse below 140. If the pulse reaches 160 then discontinue the treatment.
  2. Put a thermometer into your mouth and gradually raise the temperature of the water in the bathtub, by pouring hot water into the bathtub and stirring it around. The temperature of the water should reach about 41 degrees Celsius (106 degrees Fahrenheit) or little higher. It will take about 20 to 30 minutes or more before the oral or mouth temperature rises to about 40 to 41 degrees Celsius (104 to 106 degrees Fahrenheit.)
  3. Maintain the oral temperature of 40 to 41 degrees Celsius (104 to 106 degrees Fahrenheit) by pouring hot water into the bath tub every now and then for the rest of the hour. The oral temperature should be checked every 5 minutes.
  4. Apply a cold compress to the forehead and sponge the face down with cold water during the treatment.
  5. After the total emersion in the bath has been maintained for 60 minutes, finish off with a cool or cold shower. When you stand up, you will experience faintness as a reaction. This is one of the signs that the treatment is successful.
  6. Dry yourself and wrap a towel, a sheet, and a few blankets around yourself before lying down on a bed. Lie on the bed and you will notice that you will continue to sweat for 30 to 60 minutes.
  7. After you have finished sweating, finish off with a brief neutral and cold shower. (It is recommended to take three artificial baths a week e.g. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.)

If one is already suffering from a fever, then lower the temperature.

 The oral temperature is not to be more than 39.8 degrees Celsius (103 degrees Fahrenheit) when using the fever treatment for children between the ages of 4 to 12 years.

Seek professional guidance with fever treatment for babies.

Approximate Oral Temperature for Fever Treatment

Colds. – 38 degrees Celsius. (100 degrees Fahrenheit).

Influenza. − 38 degrees Celsius. (100 degrees Fahrenheit).

Pain anywhere in the body. − 38 degrees Celsius. (100 degrees Fahrenheit).

Sore throat. – 38 degrees Celsius. (100 degrees Fahrenheit)

Sore Lupus or rheumatoid disease. − 38 degrees Celsius. (100 degrees Fahrenheit).

Rheumatism and arthritis. − 38 degrees Celsius. (100 Fahrenheit)

Cancer. − 40 degrees Celsius. (104 degrees Fahrenheit).

Multiple sclerosis − never self administered − 38 degrees Celsius. (100 degrees Fahrenheit).

Russian Steam Bath

If you do not have a bath tub installed in your house then one should try a ‘Russian Steam Bath.’ This is a canopy of plastic put around the body from the floor and up to the neck like a tent. Or one can use two blankets and two linen bed sheets if you do not have the plastic canopy. The patient sits down on a plastic garden chair with a bathing shorts or costume on. A cold compress is put around the head. This is a towel dipped in cold water, the water is wrung out and the towel is put around the head. A further hand towel is put loosely around the neck to prevent the steam seeping out of the canopy.

The spout of an electric kettle is placed within the canopy behind and under the chair, and water is slowly boiled up with the steam coming out of the spout. It is preferable to have a thermostat-controlled kettle or a thermostat-controlled heater under the kettle, then the steam should be set at a low setting. Never put the whole kettle inside the plastic canopy because the electric current from the electric installation could pass on through the steam and into the patient’s body. Steam and water are conductors of electricity. This means you could be electrocuted. Then put your bare feet into a plastic bowl of hot water following the exact temperature as the water used in the bathtub. You regulate the oral temperature by regulating the slow steam coming out of the kettle and the hot water covering the feet. Follow the same procedure as above.

Plastic steam bath.

Blanket steam bath.

Appendix D

A Twelve Step Plan to Overcome Bad Habits

This plan is based on the twelve-step plan which Alcoholic Anonymous use in helping people around the world in stopping drinking alcohol. It can be used for all other bad habits in connection with the lifestyle program: overeating, smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.

Primary Purpose

Help people to stop having bad lifestyle habits.

Carry the message to others.

Basic formula for success

Stop the habits immediately.

Follow the lifestyle program.

Follow the 12 guiding principles.

Desire to stop the bad habit and live a healthy lifestyle.

Step 1. – Insight (Admission of Defeat)

I admit that I am powerless over my bad habit – That my life has become unmanageable.

I cannot control my bad habit.

My bad habit causes problems.

What problems?

Continuing with my bad habit causes problems.

Explain why I am here on this course.

Explain the hopelessness and why I need to change.

Acknowledge that I cannot overcome my bad habit by my self.

Romans 7:18. I know nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.

Step 2. – Surrender (Belief)

I have to believe that only a power greater than myself can restore me to sanity.

Admit that I am an addict.

There is hope for recovery.

Yield to something greater.

Philippians 2:13. For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.

Step 3. – Decision (Willingness)

I have to make a decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of God as I understand him.

I make a decision to stop my bad habit.

I have decided to follow the advice and instructions in this course.

I have decided to resist all temptation to my bad habit. (One day at a time; just for today)

Even when it gets difficult.

I have the will to choose what I want in my life. No one can take my will away from me.

I will be cared for by God.

I am willing to accept help from God (As I understand Him)

Galatians 2:20. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Step 4. – Introspection (Inventory)

I shall make a searching and fearless moral inventory of my life.

Who am I? (Know yourself)

Write an inventory to build my strengths and overcome my weaknesses.

I shall be honest with myself.

Discuss my tendencies towards denial, shame and guilt. Why?

Galatians 6:3-5. If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, for each one should carry his own load.

Step 5. – Confession

Admit to God, to myself and to another human being the exact nature of my wrongs.

Review my strengths to build.

Review my weaknesses to overcome.

Admit my own wrongdoing to God and myself – how I have hurt myself and others.

Confess all my faults to another person. (This helps us psychologically)

James 5:16a. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.

Step 6. – Submission (Surrender)

I am ready to have God remove all my defects of my character.

Prepare to give up my defects through conscious awareness through the day.

I am willing to change my behaviours and actions.

Your body does not want to change because it is painful and difficult.

James 4:10. Humble yourself before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

1 John 5:14. This is the assurance we have in approaching God: that is if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

Step 7. – Humility (Admit shortcomings)

Humbly ask God to remove all our shortcomings.

Ask God to remove all our defects.

Leave your addictive self behind – (old man of sin).

In weakness, God becomes your strength.

Learn how to pray quietly to God for strength.

1 John 1:9. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Step 8. – Inventory (Willingness to heal)

Make a list of all people that you have harmed and be willing to make amends to them all.

My addictive bad habit hurts others.

I am responsible for repairing the damage.

The list hurts.

Write the influence relationship each person has on you.

Write the details of who, what and how to fix the relationship.

Luke 6:31. Do unto others as you would have them do to you.

Luke 19:8. But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now, I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.”

Step 9. – Restitution (Seeking forgiveness)

Make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so, it would injure them and others.

Make amends now.

Discuss with your study leader how you feel afterwards.

Forgiveness brings healing.

There are exceptions to this making amends and that is where it might cause injury or endanger your safety.

Matthew 5:23-24. Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.

Step 10. – Reorganization (Daily self-examination)

Continue to take a personal inventory and, when we are wrong, promptly admit it.

Make daily, a simple list of your thoughts, feelings, actions and attitudes.

Mistakes are normal. We are not perfect. Progress is what matters the most.

Recognize and solve problems quickly.

Beware of the danger with self satisfaction.

1 Corinthians 10:12. Therefore, let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.

Ephesians 4:22-24. You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by deceitful desires; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Step 11. – Spirituality (Contemplation)

Through prayer and meditation, I will improve my conscious contact with God as I understand him, praying only for knowledge of his will for me and the power to carry that out.

Learn to talk to God in prayer through the day.

I must learn to wait and listen for a response.

Learn about higher values such as love, truth, beauty and honesty.

God gives us meaning to life and help to change.

Psalm 25:4-5. Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Saviour, and my hope is in you all day long.

Step 12. – Charity (Action)

Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, I will try to carry this message to others, and to practice these principles in all my affairs.

Share your story with others who are in a similar situation.

Share your results, both negative and positive with others who have gone through the steps.

Healing follows sharing our story with others.

Action is required for growth to occur.

In helping others, you are helping yourself.

Galatians 6:1. Brothers, if someone is caught in sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself. Or you also may be tempted.

Appendix E

 Daily program in the Lifestyle program


25 % of your breakfast should consist of porridge oats, corn porridge, muesli, etc.

75 % of your breakfast should consist of fresh fruit and dried stewed fruit.

You can choose between:

Apples, pears, grapes, melons, oranges, grapefruit, pineapple, bananas, dates, raisins, figs, prunes, apricots, and a mixture of dried stewed fruit etc.

How to make stewed fruit

Put 1 cup of dates, 1 cup of figs and 1 cup of raisins into a saucepan. Pour boiling water over the dried fruit so it covers it all. Let it soak for 2-3 minutes. Mix the fruit around with a spoon and then pour out the water. The boiling water is used to clean the fruit from all bacteria. Then pour more boiling water on the fruit again so it will cover the fruit about one inch or two centimeters above the fruit. Put a lid on the saucepan and let it soak through the night. The stewed fruit is ready for breakfast in the morning.

 Salads should be used for lunch and the evening meal.

75 % to 80 % of your plate should have raw organic vegetables on it. The rest should consist of cooked foods or roasts. You should eat no more than 5 different foods to one meal. You should not mix some kinds of fruits with vegetables because they give wind in the stomach. Eat two slices of brown bread with sandwich spread on if you wish to lunch. If you are engaged in hard physical labour, then you can eat more bread.

Daily Program

  1. 3 meals a day.

Breakfast: fruit, muesli and different kinds of porridges.

Lunch: Raw salad with a sprinkle of nuts (e.g. almonds) and a few slices of whole wheat bread.

Evening meal: Raw salad with a cooked meal.

  1. Drink a minimum of 8 glasses or 2 liters of water each day between meals.

If you are using tap water then pour it into an open container or large sauce pan and let it stand over night covered with a tea towel or lid. The chlorine which is added to the tap water will evaporate after a few hours. Do not drink very cold water or very hot tea. This debilitates the stomach lining.

  1. Go for a walk twice a day. It should last for about 30 to 40 minutes if possible.

Try doing a little ‘all round’ exercise to strengthen the muscles in the body.

  1. Go to bed before 10 p.m. with the windows open and warm blankets over you.
  2. One should say NO THANKS! to:

Meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, sugar, tobacco, alcohol, caffeine in (tea, coffee and coke cola), baking powder in cakes and biscuits, chocolates, tinned fruit, all fast foods, spicy foods and vinegar.

Use a minimum of ½ teaspoon of salt each day.

Appendix F

First Trial for Our Lifestyle Program

 Our first trial for the Balance Lifestyle Program came by chance during the month of September 2005. My wife Elsebeth was working at the local hospital as a physiotherapist. One of her colleagues had just been sent home from the head hospital for cancer treatment in Copenhagen. Gitte had breast cancer which had spread throughout her body and she had three fractures in the spine. The hospital said that they could not do much more for her. They gave her radiation and medicine which helped a little.

My wife asked her if she was interested in an alternative treatment. She asked what kind of treatment? When she heard about the juice treatment, she politely refused. About two weeks later we received a telephone call from her. She said that she could hardly get up from her bed and she had trouble in digesting her food. She had changed her attitude towards the juice treatment and would give it a try.

When we explained to her what is involved in the treatment, she opted for the long-term juice treatment which included both juice and food at mealtimes. Within three days she was able to get up from her bed and walk from one room to the other in her house. After one week she was able to go out by herself and do some shopping. After one month on the juice treatment (One liter of carrot juice, one liter of green vegetable juice and one liter of orange juice and she ate small meals at mealtime) she went for a medical check up and the doctor was surprised to see how well she looked. The cancer was still in her body, but it had stopped growing and spreading throughout her body. After three months she went for another medical check up and was told the cancer was receding and getting smaller.

It was during this time that Gitte started smoking cigarettes again. We told her the effects it could have on the cancer, but she said that she could not live without cigarettes. We decided to carry on with the treatments despite the cigarettes, but we knew that it would take longer time to heal the cancer.

After one year had gone by, Gitte was still smoking cigarettes and having the juice treatment. She had also just begun chemo-therapy treatments at the hospital because they say she was now stronger to go through the treatment. Gitte has also started working part time back at the hospital. She still has the cancer in her body, and despite her cigarette smoking we were able to keep her alive for 2½ years whereas the head cancer treatment hospital had given up on her. That says something in how powerful the juice treatment is when we ventured out on an experiment with working colleague. The juice treatment is so powerful that it can keep the cancer at bay while the patient continues to smoke cigarettes.

While undergoing chemo-therapy treatment we also found out that she did not lose all her hair like the majority of people do who undergo the treatment. She lost a little hair and some weight, but she is so thankful for the juice which has helped her through 2½ years of extra life.

Just think what would happen if she underwent the full lifestyle treatment, she would have been free from cancer in a short period of time. We would never advise anyone to give the same juice treatment in a so long period of time because you would be giving the patient a false hope. Common sense tells us that juice treatment and nicotine from cigarettes do not go together. That is our bodies are not strong enough to keep taking in nicotine poison. Hence the nicotine will gain victory over the juice eventually. In the Autumn of 2008 Gitte passed away after her long battle with cancer.


About Sickness and Living a Healthy Lifestyle





  1. Do you or anyone in your family have a sickness? Yes.     No.

 2. Is it a sickness which can be cured? Yes.     No. 

  1. How long have you (or the other person) had the sickness? 
  1. Do you have pain? Yes.     No.    

      How long have you had pain? 

  1. Have you been to the doctor? Yes.     No. 
  1. Has the doctor’s treatment helped? Yes.     No. 
  1. Have you tried alternative medicine such as acupuncture, natural medicine, chiropractic, healing, zone therapy etc.?         

      Yes.     No. 

  1. Has the treatment helped? Yes.     No. 
  1. Have you given up all hope for a cure to your sickness?

      Yes.     No. 

  1. Do you believe that lifestyle is related to your sickness?

        Yes.    No.

        (Examples: diet, exercise, bad habits, tobacco, alcohol etc.) 

  1. If you had the chance, would you like to know more about how living a healthy lifestyle can help you to be better or even cure your sickness?     Yes.     No.

Then we have an offer for you. We have a program on how to live a healthy lifestyle. It includes subjects on cancer, heart disease, cholesterol, diabetes, slimming diet, high blood pressure, and depression. How to have a good nights sleep, relief from stress and head ache. Exercise, water therapy, a healthy diet, minerals and vitamins. How to stop smoking, a cleansing diet and much more.

The program is free. It does not cost any money. Only your time.

You can do the program once or twice a week through personal help and teaching in your home.

Which would suite you best?  Once or twice a week?

(This questionnaire should be rewritten on A4 paper)

Appendix H

Summary and Contract for the 14 Days Cleansing Juice Treatment

 1. Go through the 14 days cleansing juice treatment to cleanse all poisons and toxins out of the body.

  1. Take one enema each day for 14 days.
  1. Take a fever bath 3 times a week. (Alternative)
  1. Go through the 12 steps to have victory over bad habits.
  1. Go through a Bible course on how to know God after the 12 steps.
  1. Go through the health course New Start and Dynamic Living.
  1. If one refuses to go through these steps then we have the right to stop the treatments.
  1. If you are not satisfied with the course then you can stop immediately.


End Notes

[1] For further information on the twelve, four, two, and seventy-two disciples, see chapter 2, under the heading “Why The New Testament Supports Small Groups.”

[2] Michael L. White, The Social Origins of Christian Architecture (Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press, 1990), 1:128.

[3] William A. Beckham, The Second Reformation (Houston, TX: Touch Publications, 1997), 18.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Ibid., 21.

[6] Ibid.

[7] Thomas S. Khun, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962), 84.

[8] Beckham, 18.

[9] Ibid., 18.

[10] Khun, 84, 85.

[11] White, Acts of the Apostles, 91.

[12] Beckham, 165.

[13] Michael Gerber, The E-Myth (Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1986), 54, 55.

[14] Beckham, 160.

[15] Gerber, The E-Myth, 48.

[16] Beckham, 165.

[17] Mallison, 90.

[18] Gerber, The E-Myth, 52, 53.

[19] Paavo Airola, Cancer: Causes, Prevention & Treatment – The Total

Approach, (Sherwood, Oregon: Health Plus Pub., 1972), 9.


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