Bible Subjects

Daniel 9:24. Will the Jews be saved as a nation by God?

Daniel 9:24

Bibles used for this study:

Hebrew-English Interlinear ESV Old Testament, 2014.

New King James version of the Holy Bible 1999.

Dan 9:24. Seventy weeks are decreed about your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal both vision and prophet, and to anoint a most holy place.

The seventy-week prophecy is related to the beginning of the word to restore and build Jerusalem, the anointed one (Messiah), seven weeks, sixty-two weeks, one week and the middle of the week prophecy.

We are talking about prophetical time here in this text. What does this mean? It means one prophetical day is equal to one literal year. It is called the year-day principle. Where do we get this reasoning from?

Numbers 14:34. According to the number of the days in which you spied out the land, forty days, for each day you shall bear your guilt one year, namely forty years, and you shall know my rejection. (One day = one year).

Ezekiel 4:6. And when you have completed them, lie again on your right side; then you shall bear iniquity of the house of Judah forty days. I have laid on you a day for each year. (One day = one year).

When using this year-day principle, that is one prophetical day is equal to one literal year, it supports all the other prophetical time periods in the books of Daniel and Revelation.

Fort example:

Dan 7:25. He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most High, and shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time. Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time.

What do time and times and half a time mean?

The word time in Aramaic is “iddan.” It is translated to mean a year in Dan 4: King Nebuchadnezzar was stricken by a sickness from the God, and he lived like an animal in the fields for seven times, that is seven literal years.

When we look at the time prophecy in Dan 7:25

Time = One year or 360 days. (30 days is equal to a month).

Times = Two years or 720 days.

Half a time = Half a year or 180 days.

When you add these figures up you get 3½ years or 1,260 days.

These 1,260 prophetic days are transferred into 1,260 literal years when using prophetical calculations.

Dan 7:25. The pronoun `He` refers to the little horn power in Dan 7:8.24. which means in prophecy the papacy in the Roman Catholic Church system. The time and times and half a time are equal to 1,260 years when the saints will be given into his hand, was during the suppression and persecution of Bible believing Christians during the Dark Middle Ages from 538-1798.

The longest prophetical time period is the 2,300 evening-mornings prophecy in Dan 8:14. And he said to me, “For two thousand three hundred evenings and mornings, then the sanctuary shall be cleansed.” The 2,300 evenings and mornings (translated days) stretches from 457 B.C. to A.D. 1844.

Other prophetical time periods related to this prophecy in Dan 8:14 are:

Dan 9:24. The seventy weeks.

Dan 9:25. Seven weeks and sixty-two weeks.

Dan 9:27. One week and the middle of the week.

Dan 12:7. Time, times and half a time.

Dan 12:11. One thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Dan 12:12. One thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.

Rev 11:2. And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months.

Rev 11:3. And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days clothed in sackcloth.

Rev 11:9. Three-and-a half days.

Rev 12:6. 1,260 days.

Rev 12:14. A time, times and half a time.

Rev 13:5. Forty-two months. (42 x 30=1,260)

These prophetical time periods have one thing in common and that is they are in harmony with each other and are related to a time period from 457 B.C. to A.D. 1844.

Let us go back to Dan 9:24. The seventy-week prophecy is 490 days. The 490 days is transferred to 490 prophetical years stretching from 457 B.C. to A.D. 34. This was the time allotted to the Jewish nation: to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal both vision and prophet, and to anoint the most holy place.

These events were all fulfilled when the Messiah: Jesus Christ came to this earth and was crucified and was raised on the third day in the year A.D. 31.

Let us analyze these events.

Daniel 9:24. “To finish transgression.”

What does the word transgression mean?

Micah 1:13. O inhabitants of Lachish, harness the chariot to the swift steeds (She was the beginning of sin to the daughter of Zion), for the transgressions Israel were found in you.

Micah 1:5. All this for the transgression of Jacob, and for the sins of the house of Israel. What is the transgression of Jacob? Is it not Samaria? And what of the high places of Judah? Are they not Jerusalem?

Amos 5:12. (Israel). For I know your manifold transgressions and your mighty sins: afflicting the just and taking bribes; diverting the poor from justice at the gate.

Amos 3:14. That in the day I punish Israel for their transgressions, I will also visit destruction on the altars of Bethel; and the horns of the altar shall be cut off and fall to the ground.

Amos 2:4. Thus says the Lord: `For three transgressions of Judah, and for four, I will not turn away its punishment, because they have despised the law of God, and have not kept his commandments. Their lies lead them astray, lies which their fathers followed.

Amos 2:6. Thus says the Lord: `For three transgressions of Israel, and for four, I will not turn away its punishment, because they sell the righteous for silver, and the poor for a pair of sandals.


Transgressions are related to sin, Samaria, high places of idolatrous offerings to other gods, afflicting the just, taking bribes, diverting the poor from justice, alters of Bethel, despising the law of God and not keeping his commandments, lies, selling the righteous for silver and the poor for a pair of sandals.

God´s long suffering and putting up with the sins of the Jewish nation came to an end when they crucified His only Son Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary and the stoning of Steven because of his speech against the high priest, elders and the scribes in Jerusalem.

Daniel 9:24 “To put an end to sin.”

In the Hebrew the word for sin is “chattath.” The word can denote sins or sin offerings. When using the word “chattath” as sin offerings, we can ask ourselves when did the sin offerings cease in the temple during the 70-week prophecy from 457 B.C. to A.D 34?

It was when Christ was crucified on the cross. He was the last lamb to take away the sin of the world. John 1:29. The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold! the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”

1 Corinthians 15:3. Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures.

Leviticus 4:27-35. A sin offering from the people was brought to the temple.

Matthew 27:50.51. And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit. Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.

This happened to show that the sin offerings in the temple ceased to exist in God´s eyes. Christ was the last sin offering in A.D. 31. The Jewish nation was no longer privileged to be God´s people from this time. Salvation after the cross was open to all people.

1 John 1:9. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:7. The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin.

Dan 9:24. “To atone for iniquity.”

The word atone in Hebrew is “kephar” and means reconciliation in many Bible dictionaries, however a close word study reveals it has broader meaning.

Exodus 29:36. (Consecration of Aaron and his sons to the priesthood). And you shall offer a bull every day as a sin offering for atonement. You shall cleanse the altar when you make atonement for it, and you shall anoint it to sanctify it. (Kephar is related to cleanse, sanctify and the transference of sin from one place to another through the blood of the bull offering).

Exodus 29:37. Seven days you shall make atonement for the altar and sanctify it.

Exodus 29:11-14. The bull is a sin offering for Aaron and his sons.

Exodus 29: Atonement is made by the sacrifice of the two rams and their blood is transferred from the altar of burnt offering to Aaron and his sons. The blood is put on the right ear lobe and the thumb of the right hand and then is sprinkled all around the altar.

Exodus 29:32. The sacrificial ram’s meat is eaten by Aaron and his sons to make atonement, to consecrate and sanctify them. (Atonement is related to eating the ram´s meat, consecration, sanctification and transference of sins).

Exodus 29:36. The altar is cleansed and sanctified each of the seven days.

Exodus 29:37. Seven days this ritual is repeated to make atonement.

Exodus 30:10. (In Hebrew Yom Kippur means the day of Atonement). And Aaron shall make atonement upon its horns (the altar of burnt offering verse 9) once a year with the blood of the sin offering of atonement, once a year he shall make atonement upon it throughout your generations. It is most holy to the Lord. (Atonement her means to transfer sins).

Exodus 30:15.16. The rich shall not give more and the poor shall not give less than half a shekel, when you give an offering to the Lord, to make atonement for yourselves. And you shall take the atonement money of the children of Israel and shall appoint it for the service of the tabernacle of meeting, that it may be a memorial for the children of Israel before the Lord, to make atonement for yourselves. (The word atonement includes the giving of offerings in money, to support the services in the tabernacle and transferring sins from one place to another).

Exodus 32:30. Moses said to the people, “You have committed a great sin.” Verse 31. They had made themselves a god of gold. Verse 30. So now I will go up to the Lord; perhaps I can make atonement for your sin. Verse 32. Yet, now, if you forgive their sin. (Atonement is related to forgiveness of sin).

Leviticus 1:4. Then he shall put his hand on the head of the burnt offering, and it will be accepted on his behalf to make atonement for him. (Atonement means the transfer of sin from a person to the burnt offering and the altar).

Leviticus 4:20. And he shall do with the bull as he did with the bull as a sin offering; thus, he shall do with it. So the priest shall make atonement for them, and it shall be forgiven them.

Leviticus 7:7. The trespass offering is like the sin offering; there is one law for them both: the priest who makes atonement with it shall have it. (Atonement is related to the transfer of sin).

Leviticus 9:7. And Moses said to Aaron, “Go to the altar, offer your sin offering and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourselves and for the people. Offer the offering of the people, and make atonement for them, as the Lord commanded. (Atonement is related to the transfer of sin of Aaron and the people to the sin offering and burnt offering).

Leviticus 10:17. (Moses to the sons of Aaron). Why have you not eaten the sin offering in a holy place, since it is most holy, and God has given it to bear the guilt of the congregation, to make atonement for them before the Lord? (Atonement is related to eating the sin offering and transferring sin to the priests).

Leviticus 12:6.7. When the days of her purification are fulfilled, whether for a son or a daughter, she shall bring to the priest a lamb of the first year as a burnt offering, and a young pigeon as a sin offering, to the door of the tabernacle of meeting. Then he shall offer it before the Lord and make atonement for her. And she shall be clean from the flow of her blood. (Atonement is related to transfer of sin and cleansing of the flow of blood. Verse 2-5. If a woman bears a child, she is unclean because of the flow of blood. This has to be cleansed and atoned for).

Leviticus 14:18. (The ritual for cleansing healed lepers). The rest of the oil that is in the priest´s hand he shall put on the hand of him who is to be cleansed. So the priest shall make atonement for him before the Lord. (Oil is related to atonement).

Leviticus 14:49-53. (Law for making atonement for a leprous house. Lev 14:54-57). And he shall take, to cleanse the house, two birds, cedar wood, scarlet and hyssop. Then he shall kill one of the birds in an earthen vessel over running water; and he shall take the cedar wood, the hyssop, the scarlet and the living bird, and dip them in the blood of the slain bird and in running water, and sprinkle the house seven times. And he shall cleanse the house with the blood of the bird and the running water and the living bird, with the cedar wood, the hyssop, and the scarlet. Then he shall let the living bird loose outside the city in the open field, and make atonement for the house, and it shall be clean. (Atonement her is similar to the Day of Atonement. Two birds are chosen. One is slain and its blood is used to cleanse the house of leprosy. Leprosy is transferred from the house to the living bird, which is let loose, hence making atonement for the house).

Leviticus 15:15. (Law of bodily discharge). Then the priest shall offer them, the one (turtle dove or pigeon) as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering. So the priest shall make atonement for him before the Lord because of his discharge.

Leviticus 15:30. (A woman unclean because of her discharge of blood other than the time of her customary impurity in verse 25). Then the priest shall offer the one as a sin offering and the other (turtledove or pigeon) as a burnt offering, and the priest shall make atonement for her before the Lord for the discharge of her uncleanliness. (Atonement is related to the transfer of sin and cleanliness).

Leviticus 16:6.11. (Day of Atonement). Aaron shall offer the bull as a sin offering which is for himself, and make atonement for his house. (Atonement is related to sin offering and the transfer of sin).

Leviticus 16:10. But the goat on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat shall be presented alive before the Lord, to make atonement upon it, and to let it go as the scapegoat into the wilderness. (Atonement is related to the transfer of sin from the people, Aaron and his house and from the temple to the scapegoat).

Leviticus 16:16. So he shall make atonement for the holy place, because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel, and because of the transgression, for all their sins; and so he shall do for the tabernacle of meeting which remains among them in the midst of their uncleanness. (Atonement is related to holy place, uncleanness of Israel, their sins and transfer of sins from one place to another).

Leviticus 16:17. There shall be no man in the tabernacle of meeting when he goes in to make atonement in the holy place, until he comes out, that he make atonement for himself, for his household, and for all the assembly of Israel. (Atonement is related to the transfer of sin from Aaron, his household, all the assembly of Israel to and from the holy place).

Leviticus 16:18.19. And he shall go out to the altar that is before the Lord, and make atonement for it, and shall take some of the blood of the bull and some of the blood of the goat, and put it on the horns of the altar all around. Then he shall sprinkle some of the blood on it with his finger seven times, cleanse it, and consecrate it from the uncleanness of the children of Israel. (On the altar of burnt offerings, atonement is related to blood, horns of the altar, cleansing and consecration).

Leviticus 16:20. And when he has made an end of atoning for the Holy Place, the tabernacle of meeting, and the altar, he shall bring the live goat. (Atonement is related to removing the sins from the Holy Place, the tabernacle of meeting and the altar of burnt offering to Aaron the high priest).

Leviticus 16:21. Aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat, confess over it all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions, concerning all their sins, putting them on the head of the goat, and shall send him away into the wilderness by the hand of a suitable man. (Atonement is related to the transfer of Israel´s sins over to the head of the live goat Lev 16:10).

Leviticus 16:30. For on that day the priest shall make atonement for you, to cleanse you, that you maybe clean form all your sins before the Lord.

Leviticus 16:32-34. And the priest is anointed and consecrated to minister as priest, and put on the linen clothes, the holy garments; then he shall make atonement for the holy sanctuary, and he shall make atonement for the tabernacle of meeting and for the altar, and he shall make atonement for the priests and for all the people of the assembly. This shall be an everlasting statute for you, to make atonement for the children of Israel, for all their sins, once a year. And he did as the Lord commanded Moses. (Atonement is related to holy garments, holy sanctuary, altar, priests, people of the assembly and children of Israel).

Leviticus 17:11. For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul. (Atonement is related to blood).

Leviticus 19:22. The priest shall make atonement for him with the ram of the trespass offering before the Lord for his sin which he has committed. And the sin which he has committed shall be forgiven him. (Atonement is related to a ram for a trespass offering, sin and sins forgiven).

Number 16:41.46. On the next day call the congregation of the children of Israel complained against Moses and Aaron, saying, “You have killed the people of the Lord,” e.g. Korah, Dathan and Abiram´s rebellion against Moses. So Moses said to Aaron, “Take a censor and put fire in it from the altar, put incense on it, and take it quickly to the congregation and make atonement for them; for the wrath has gone out from the Lord. The plague has begun.” (Atonement in this text is related to censor, fire from the altar, God´s wrath and a plague from the Lord. This is one of the few texts in the Bible which atonement is related to appeasing God´s wrath, and the transference of the sins of the congregation to the lamb. If the sins of the congregation were not atoned, then the whole congregation would have been killed).

Numbers 25:10.13. (Numbers 25:7.8. Phinehas took a javelin in his hand and thrust it through the bodies of the idolatrous Israelite and Moabite woman having sexual intercourse). Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, has turned back my wrath from the children of Israel, because he was zealous with my zeal among them, so that I did not consume the children of Israel in my zeal. – – – because he was zealous for his God and made atonement for the children of Israel. (Atonement is related to appeasing God´s wrath in this text and the transfer of sin from the Israelites to the tabernacle, because the soul that sins shall die. Ezek 18:20).

Numbers 31:50. Therefore, we have brought an offering for the Lord, what every man found of ornaments of gold: armlets and bracelets and signet rings and earrings and necklaces, to make atonement for ourselves before the Lord. (Atonement is related to a thanks offering to the Lord because not a man was missing after a war with the Midianites in verses 49 and 1-3).

2 Samuel 21:3. Therefore David said to the Gibeonites, “What shall I do for you? And with what shall I make atonement that you may bless the inheritance of the Lord?” (Atonement is related to verse 1 famine in the land because Saul killed many of the Gibeonites. As a result, Saul´s five sons and his oldest daughter were hanged to appease the Gibeonites).

1 Chronicles 6:49. But Aaron and his sons offered sacrifices on the altar of burnt offering and on the altar of incense, for all the work of the Most Holy Place, and to make atonement for Israel, according to all that Moses the servant of God had commanded. (Atonement is related to burnt sacrifices on the altar of burnt offering and incense on the altar of incense. This was on the Day of Atonement in the Most Holy Place).


The word atonement is related to the following: sin offering, cleanse and sanctify, transfer of sin from one place to another in the tabernacle, both polluting and cleansing of blood, eating the sacrifice by Aaron and his sons, consecrating the horns of the altar of burnt offering, half a shekel for offerings, atonement for sin, transfer of sin through blood from the sinner to the sanctuary, forgiveness, trespass offerings, lamb, goat, bull, turtledove, oil, birds cedar wood, hyssop scarlet and water. Atonement is related to scapegoat, transfer of sin to the wilderness, holy place, transgression, Israel, Aarons household, horns of the altar, mercy seat, altar of incense, holy garments, priests, ram, censor with fire, appeasing the wrath of the Lord and finger with blood.

When Christ died on the cross, his body was a sacrifice to atone for the sins of the world, to all who believe in him. Our sins were transferred to his body and in that way, we are atoned for our sins.

Daniel 9:24. “To bring in everlasting righteousness.”

In the Hebrew the word righteousness is “tsedeq.”

What does righteousness mean in the Bible?

Leviticus 19:15. In righteousness you shall judge your neighbor.

Deuteronomy 33:19. There they shall offer sacrifices of righteousness.

Job 6:29. My righteousness still stands.

Job 24:14. I put on righteousness, and it clothed me. My justice was like a robe and a turban.

Job 35:2. Do you say, (Elihu to Job) my righteousness is more than God´s?

Psalm 4:1. Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness.

Psalm 4:5. Offer the sacrifices of righteousness and put your trust in the Lord.

Psalm 7:8. Judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness.

Psalm 7:17. I will praise the Lord according to his righteousness.

Psalm 9:8. He shall judge the world in righteousness.

Psalm 15:2. He who walks uprightly, and works righteousness, speaks the truth in his heart.

Psalm 18:20. The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands.

Psalm 23:3. He leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

Psalm 40:9. I have proclaimed the good news of righteousness in the great assembly.

Psalm 85:10. Righteousness and peace have kissed each other.

Psalm 119:142. Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness and your law is truth.

Psalm 119:172. For all your commandments are righteousness.

Ecclesiastes 7:15. There is a just man who preachers in his righteousness.

Isaiah 51:5. My righteousness is near, my salvation has gone forth.

Jeremiah 23:6. Now this is the name by which he will be called: The Lord our Righteousness.

Hosea 10:12. Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap mercy.

Matthew 5:6. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.

Matthew 5:10. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness´ sake.

Matthew 5:20. For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 6:33. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Matthew 21:32. For John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him; but tax collectors and harlots believed him.

Luke 1:74.75. (We) Might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our life.

John 16:8. (Holy Spirit). And when he has come, he will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.

Acts 10:35. But in every nation whoever fears him and works righteousness is accepted by him.

Acts 24:25. (Paul to Felix). Now as he reasoned about righteousness, self-control, and the judgment.

Romans 3:21.22. But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed being witnessed by the law and the prophets, even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all who believe.

Romans 3:25. Whom God set forth as a propitiation by his blood, through faith, to demonstrate by his righteousness, because in his forbearance God passed over the sins that were previously committed.

Romans 4:3. For what does the scripture say? Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.

Romans 4:6.7. Just as David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom God accounts/credits righteousness apart from works. Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, whose sins are covered; Blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin.

Romans 4:13. For the promise that he would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith (in Christ).

Romans 5:17. For if by one man´s offense death reigned through the one (Adam), much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the one, Jesus Christ.

Romans 6:13. And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, as your members as instruments of righteousness to God. (Unrighteousness to sin is the opposite to righteousness to God).

Romans 6:16. Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one´s slave whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness.

Romans 8:10. And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. (sin is opposite to righteousness).

Romans 9:28. For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness, because the Lord will make a short work upon the earth.

Romans 10:10. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

2 Corinthians 6:14. Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? (Righteousness is like the light and opposite to darkness).

Romans 14:17. For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

2 Corinthians 9:6.10. But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Now may he who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of righteousness. (Righteousness is related to sowing seeds of righteousness, multiplying the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of righteousness).

Galatians 2:21. If righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain.

Galatians 5:5. For we through the Spirit eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.

Ephesians 4:24. That you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.

Ephesians 5:9. For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness and truth.

Ephesians 6:14. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness.

Philippians 3:9. And be found in him not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith.

2 Timothy 3:16. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

2 Timothy 4:8. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give to me on that day.

Titus 3:5. Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit.

James 2:23.24. And the scripture was fulfilled which says: “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” And he was called the friend of God. You see then that a man is justified by works, and not only by faith. (Righteousness is related to the works of Abraham offering his son as a sacrifice).

1 Peter 2:24. That we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness – by whose stripes you were healed.

2 Peter 2:5. But saved Noah, one of eight people, a preacher of righteousness – – -.

1 John 2:29. If you know that he is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of him.

1 John 3:7. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as he is righteous.

1 John 3:10. Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God – – -.

Revelation 19:11. (White horse). He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war.


Righteousness is related to the following: judge, sacrifices, my righteousness, clothed me, justice, sacrifice of righteousness, trust in the Lord, God´s righteousness, walks uprightly, speaks the truth, cleanness of my hands, paths of righteousness, good news, peace, everlasting righteousness, God´s commandments, just man, salvation, sowing, mercy, blessing, persecuted for righteousness, kingdom of God, believe in him, serve God, holiness, convict the world of sin, works, self-control, judgment, witnessed by the law and prophets, through faith in Jesus Christ, all who believe, propitiation by his blood, accepted or credited to a believer, lawless deeds are forgiven, sins are covered, sin is not credited, instruments of righteousness to God, gift, sin is opposite to righteousness, obedience, spirit of life, work upon the earth cut short in righteousness, lawlessness is the opposite to righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, sowing seeds of righteousness, instruction in righteousness, goodness, instruction, saved not by works of righteousness alone, justified by works of faith, died to sins, suffer for righteousness, preacher, practice, makes war against unrighteousness.

This sentence in Dan 9:24 “to bring in everlasting righteousness,” was fulfilled through the ministry of Jesus Christ in A.D. 27. When we accept Christ as our Savior, repent of our sins, and experience the new birth in Christ, we are clothed with Christ´s righteousness and should try to replicate his works of righteousness to others.

Dan 9:24. “to seal both vision and prophet.”

Which vision?

Dan 9:21. While I was speaking in prayer, the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning – – -.

Dan 8:26.27. And the vision of the evenings and mornings (Dan 8:14) which was told is true; therefore, seal up the vision, for it refers to many days. (Dan 8:14. 2,300 days) in the future. And I, Daniel, fainted and was sick for days; afterward I arose and went about the king´s business. I was astonished by the vision, but no one understood it.

To seal up the vision refers to the whole of the vision given to Daniel the prophet in Dan 8:

When did this vision begin?

Dan 8.1.2. In the third year of the reign of king Belshazzar a vision appeared to me, Daniel – after the one that appeared to me the first time. I saw in vision, and so it happened while I was looking, that I was in Shushan, the citadel, which is in the province of Elam; and I saw in the vision that I was by the river Ulai.

Daniel 9:24. “And to anoint the Most Holy.”

When was the Most Holy sanctuary anointed in the earthly sanctuary?

Leviticus 8:10-12. Also Moses took the anointing oil, and anointed the tabernacle and all that was in it, and consecrated them. He sprinkled some of it on the altar seven times, anointed the altar and all its utensils, and the alter and its base, to consecrate them. And he poured some of the anointing oil on Aaron´s head and anointed him, to consecrate him. ((The anointing took place before the tabernacle services were opened to the Israelites for the daily service).

Does Daniel 9:24 refer to the earthly tabernacle sanctuary or the heavenly sanctuary?

When Christ died on the cross, Matt 27:51 the curtain separating the Holy from the Most Holy Place was torn from top to bottom. This was an action by God rejecting the services of the earthly sanctuary. From that point in time the earthly sanctuary services were not acknowledged by God.

The earthly sanctuary services were transferred to heaven and Christ became our High Priest to all who believe.

Hebrews 4:14. Seeing then we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.

Hebrews 8:1.2. Now this is the main point of the things we are saying: We have such a High Priest, who seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, a minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the Lord erected and not man. (After the death of Christ and resurrection, he became our High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary. He is the only priest we should come to and ask for forgiveness of our sins. No other priest has the authority or the right to administer such an action).

This sentence in Dan 9:24, “to anoint the Most Holy,” was fulfilled after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Most Holy is referring to the heavenly sanctuary and not the earthly.


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